Babington 的得獎學生已佔大部分!Babington 的學習成績有目共睹!
OXFORD 一共舉行了3次Ambassador Competition 「牛津大使比賽」,該項比賽目的是選出全港最優秀的RWI 學生並代表香港成為「牛津大使」遊學英國。RWI 冠軍牛津大使及其家長會一同到訪英國牛津大學。在該3次比賽中,Babington 的學生有2次也獲該殊榮!
再接再厲,OXFORD 於2017年首次舉行Oustanding Student Awards 「最傑出學生奬」選出學習成績優異的學生。Babington 再次在每個課程項目中奪得殊榮!在C&W 課程我們沒獲獎是因為我們沒開教授該課程,我們相信如果我們有開授該課程,我們也一定做得最好!
為什麼我們這麼自信?因為我們的口號是 #dangerouslygoodteachers
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Babington's success and accolades are growing. Babington dominated the competition!
In terms of Oxford's history of competitions, Oxford has held 3 Ambassadors competitions. These ambassador competitions are designed to find the BEST RWI students in HK to be ambassadors represent HK to tour U.K. The champions of RWI and their parents would attend these tours and Babington had champions in 2 of these competitions.
In 2017, Oxford first launched the Outstanding Student Awards celebrating children's achievement and again Babington has winners in EVERY category with the exception of "C&W by Oxford", but that is only because Babington does not run this programme! If we did...we are sure we would win.
There is a reason why our motto is #dangerouslygoodteachers
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