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Babington 2019 暑期班即將起航! 7月15日 - 8月30日

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

Babington 暑期班即將起航! 7月15日 - 8月30日

經過精心籌備,為期 7 個星期的暑期主題課程,精彩內容如下:

  1. 「美味廚房」第一擊,穿戴廚師帽及圍裙體驗小廚神!

  2. 回到古代,探索恐龍、維京人、古埃及人等

  3. 認識不同的古代神話和傳說

  4. 運用不同的技巧創作美麗的美術作品

  5. 探索浩瀚的星空

  6. 進行一系列古怪瘋狂的科學實驗!

  7. 最後以「美味廚房」第二擊,為暑假劃上圓滿句號!


This year, we have 7 weeks of summer programme. Here are some highlights:

  1. Get your chef’s hat and aprons on for some cooking fun,

  2. Take a journey through time learning about dinosaurs to Vikings to Egyptians,

  3. Learn about different myths and legends from dragons to the Loch Ness Monster,

  4. Use different techniques to create beautiful crafts,

  5. Wonder into the vastness of space,

  6. Conduct wacky and crazy experiments and understand science!

  7. And complete the summer holiday with our second part to our English cooking fun!

Learn about our summer programme, the schedule and other details by clicking HERE or go to

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