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Writer's pictureClifford Wan

農曆新年新生優惠: 免費訂閱400+電子書一年

Babington 農曆新年優惠!

想提升小朋友的閱讀興趣? 想為小朋友選擇合適的故事書?只要你是新生*,於 2019年1月17日至2月28日期間報讀 RWI / English Ladder 課程,就可以享有 Raz Kids免費訂閱通行證一年(價值超過$800),超過400本網上電子書任您選擇,適合四歲以上的小朋友!

Babington Chinese New Year Promotion!

Want to raise your child’s interest in reading? Want to find the most appropriate reading material for your child? Babington’s Chinese New Year resolution is to encourage all our students to read!

All newly enrolled RWI / English Ladder™ (EL) students will be entitled to 1 year’s free subscription (valued over $800) to Raz Kids. Raz Kids will provide you the perfect opportunity to easily access over 400 online e-books tailored to your child’s reading ability, suitable for children aged 4 and up.

Click HERE



  1. 優惠只限新生

  2. *新生指過去3個月未曾報讀過 Babington 課程的學生

  3. 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用

  4. 報讀優惠期由 2019年1月17日至2019年2月28日

  5. 網上電子書通行證有效期一年(由2019年3月1日起)

  6. 該通行證只供在讀 English Ladder / RWI課程的學生使用 (由2019年3月1日起計一年)

  7. Babington 會收回已退學的學生對上述通行證之使用權

Terms and conditions

  1. Applicable to new students only

  2. * Not enrolled onto Babington courses in the past 3 months

  3. Cannot be used in conjunction of other offers

  4. Promo period 2019-01-17 to 2019-02-28

  5. 1 year’s subscription period starting 2019-03-01

  6. Subscription is available only for students enrolled in the English Ladder / RWI course (1 year from 2019-03-01)

  7. Babington reserves the right to revoke subscription upon course termination

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