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Writer's pictureClifford Wan

首100 位報讀RWI 暑期課程的學生,將獲$300書券

Expires 31 May 2018

The first 100 students to successfully enroll in the RWI programme and register online for an e-coupon will get a $300 book voucher.

Applies to both NEW and EXISITING students 🤩

Online registration will stop once the 100 quota exhausts. Please refer to the T&C below.

條款及細則: Terms & Conditions: 1. 上述優惠只適用於暑期課程。暑期課程的定義為由2018年7月1日至8月31日,每星期上課兩小時或以上,為期三星期或以上之課程。 The offers/offer are/is only applicable to summer courses which take place during the period from 1st July to 31st August 2018. The duration of the courses should be 3 weeks or more, comprising 2 hours of lessons or more per week. 2. 首100名於網上登記索取電子優惠券並於2018年5月31日前成功報讀牛津暑期課程的學生,可獲贈價值港幣$300的書卷。每位學生只能獲贈一次。書卷將於暑期課程開始時,由學生所就讀的牛津認可教學中心派發。 The first 100 students who successfully register online to redeem an e-Coupon and enroll in an OUP summer course before 31st May 2018 will receive book vouchers of HKD$300. Each student is entitled to the offer for once only. The book vouchers will be given to the students by OUP Accredited Centres upon the start of the summer courses. 3. 牛津課程包括:牛津RWI 英語課程、牛津C&W 英語課程及啟思中文課程。 OP courses include: RWI by Oxford, C&W by Oxford and Chinese Course. 4. 報讀每一個暑期課程只能獲贈一本牛津精選讀物。如學生報讀兩個暑期課程,則可獲贈兩本讀物, 如此類推。 Only one Oxford selected reader will be given for each successfully registered course. If a student has enrolled in two summer courses, he/she will be given two readers and so on. 5. 牛津精選讀物數量有限,派完即止。 Oxford selected readers will be available until stock lasts. 6. 所有贈品、電子優惠券及書卷均不得兌換現金。 All free gifts, e-Coupons and book vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash. 7. 暑期課程折扣額由牛津認可教學中心決定。 The discount for summer courses varies in different OUP Accredited Centres. 8. 如有任何爭議,牛津大學出版社將保留最終決定權。 Should there be any dispute, Oxford University Press reserves the right of final decision.

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