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Writer's pictureClifford Wan

Oxford Path 牛津課程傑出學生獎 2017

親愛的家長: 啟發潛能 成就無限 過去多年,牛津大學出版社透過優質的Oxford Path牛津課程,改善學生語文能力。自推出以來,成功協助本地數以千計的學生提高中、英文水平。 今年,我們隆重推出全新的傑出學生獎,以表揚於課程中表現卓越的學生,希望在嘉許表現優秀的學生的付出之餘,同時為他們訂定全年的學習目標。 本年的獎勵計劃設5 個獎項類別,包括最熱愛學習獎、飛躍進步寫作獎、最主動學習獎、最佳朗讀獎及寫作明日之星。 各牛津課程教學中心將根據學生的學業成績和操行表現,自行提名符合申請資格的學生。我們會另外以電郵聯繫被提名學生的家長。 有關評審準則及重要日子,歡迎按此瀏覽。

Dear Parents, Aspired to Achieve More For the past decade, Oxford Path Courses have been Oxford University Press's premier courses for improving children language proficiency. Since the Courses' inception, they have helped thousands of students in Hong Kong improve their English and Chinese literacy. This year, we are launching a new award programme to recognise the best students enrolled in our classes. It serves not only to motivate and reward our most distinguished students to continue with their hard work, but also give all our students a goal to work towards throughout the year. The inaugural programme will include 5 award categories: Most Passionate Learner, Most Improved Writer, Most Active Learner, Best Reader, and Promising Writer. OUP Accredited Centres will nominate students who can best represent the respective categories based on their academic performance and classroom conduct. You will be notified by email if your son or daughter is nominated for the programme. For more information including judging criteria and important dates, please refer to website.

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